1. Partner with an Orphanage

Orphanages have long been supported by local churches, individuals, and sometimes governments, and we hope and believe they always will be. But there is still a gap between what local churches, individuals, and governments have the ability or motivation to give, and what orphanages need. The Avenir Project is here to help close that gap for the sake of the children who deserve it.

We are committed to partnering with orphanages who desire to be sustainable, and who are investing in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual lives of their children.

Currently, we are partnered with EMSF’s Le Prince Orphanage in Ivory Coast.

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2. Ensure Clean Water, Healthy Food, Reliable Shelter, Medical Care, & Education


In some orphanages, children already get to enjoy clean water, healthy food, reliable shelter, and eduction. But not all children are so lucky. Many have distended bellies from parasites. Many suffer from malnutrition and are all skin and bones. Too many must always wonder if their shelter will be taken away from them at any moment. And a lot of kids will have never stepped foot in a school before they come to an orphanage.

To feel safe, children need to have clean water, healthy food, reliable shelter, and education, so this is where we start.

3. Envision & Execute Sustainability Initiatives

Once the children have their basic needs met, we engage in developing appropriate sustainability initiatives for the orphanage. These can vary greatly depending on geography, politics, and resources available.

Here are some of the possibilities:


Chicken Farm

A chicken farm is a great cost-effective way to provide for the orphanage as well as make a profit. With just a little bit of land, an orphanage can easily build and run a chicken farm. Chickens can be eaten or sold for a profit.


Produce Stand

Produce stands are great way for children in orphanages to make an impact in their communities while also achieving a profit.

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Medical Clinic

An on-site clinic allows an orphanage to care for themselves as well as offer their services to their community. This is an awesome way for the children to learn fundamental medical skills and get a jumpstart on learning a trade.


Tree Farm

Tree farms are a great option for profit. Often, trees are already growing on the land orphanages occupy. One example from Ivory Coast is rubber trees. The sap can be collected and sold to a buyer for profit.


Truck Rental

A truck offers an orphanage several beneficial options. It can be used by the orphanage to cheaply transport large hauls. It can also be rented out to the neighboring area for profit.


Artisan Shop

An on-site artisan shop allows the older children to use their creativity and entrepreneurial ambition to see hand-made goods to the community.

4. Provide Education & Training to Orphanage Staff


We want the staff of our partner orphanages to feel prepared to do what they’ve been called to do.

So we want to gift them the education they need to empower them to feel confident, learn, and grow—and in their cultural context. We want to give the staff trainings in areas like business operations, financial literacy, and trauma. With these trainings, the staff will be even more ready to keep serving their orphans with excellence.

5. See Orphans Heal & Thrive


This is our ultimate goal and desire. We want to watch the children heal in heart, mind, body, and spirit. And then we want to see them thrive.

We want to see the children rock their educations, flourish in their passions and trades, and become the leaders of their communities and beyond. Because that’s the kind of life these children deserve.